Powerlifting Training - Greensboro, NC

How Powerlifting Showcases Your Inner Strength Through Physical Movement

Powerlifting in Greensboro, North Carolina

Searching every gym for qualified powerlifting trainers who specialize in the strength-building workouts you are looking for can be a pain. Whether you are looking for strength training, resistance training, weightlifting, or just want to “shape and tone”, powerlifting is the fast track approach to achieving your goals. If dramatic improvements in strength, stability and range of motion have piqued your interest, then my powerlifting training program at Revolution Strength and Conditioning is just what you need. Over time you will see significant changes not just in your body but in your mental toughness as well. You will increase your lean muscle mass, bone density as well as improve the efficiency of your nervous system. Combined with a sound nutrition plan, powerlifting can also result in a positive change in your body composition. Powerlifting and heavyweight training are great ways to learn the basics of building muscle and strength. If you are a beginner I can help you lay the right foundation to ensure your success. For the seasoned veteran looking to compete in higher levels of powerlifting competitions, I can help you achieve your goals by helping you lift more efficiently by determining the best technique according to your body, any limitations you may have, and your preferences. With my customized coaching techniques, I will help you optimize your time spent training

Strength training is not about reckless, heavy weightlifting in order to set a world record. Instead, I’ll guide you through setting appropriate and manageable goals aligned with what you want to achieve. Then we’ll follow an intelligently designed program customized for you to meet those goals. I’ll coach you through the process of learning to harness the power of your mind and your will to overcome barriers standing in the way of your success. The process of achieving grandiose goals is to first set small achievable ones and meet them consistently. You will set many small personal records on the way to ultimate success. In the end, you will develop greater confidence and earn the most important kind of respect there is – self-respect. You no longer need to scour gyms with inadequate or insufficient coaching and equipment for personal training or weightlifting sessions to achieve maximum results. I can help you train safely for your ability level and any limitations you may have. For competitors, I can help you determine your most competitive weight class in which to compete., If you are looking for a full-body workout that trains and strengthens all your muscle groups then Revolution Strength’s powerlifting program is for you. You will build muscle in your quads, glutes, hamstrings, abs, chest, and back as well as the smaller muscle groups like the biceps, triceps, and forearms. We will be utilizing effective muscle-building exercises and techniques while learning proper form to protect vulnerable body parts like wrists, elbows, lower back, and knees. My training methods and technical instruction will increase your back squatting, bench-pressing, and deadlifting abilities, pushing you to achieve your personal best.

What To Expect From Powerlifting Coaching

Helping you achieve your goals is my #1 priority at Revolution Strength & Conditioning. During our powerlifting coaching sessions, the main goal will be to increase what is called your 1-rep max (1RM) for the different lifts a powerlifter typically performs. Since your program will be tailored to fit you personally, you can expect to achieve maximum progress and results. Aside from teaching the proper techniques for lifting heavy weights, you will also learn about proper nutrition, mindset, and exercise selection. My combination of expertise in fitness and exercise science enhances your training, leaving you feeling powerful and strong. Everything you learn within this program can be applied to your ongoing fitness training efforts throughout your life.

One of the biggest perks of my powerlifting program is that you will now have someone to act as a spotter, offering encouragement while also holding you accountable. I am dedicated to all of my clients and believe personal accountability is a great way to reach and maintain your results. During our gym sessions, my focus will be 100% on you to help you overcome any obstacles, prevent injury, and keep you on track to reach your goals. This personal attention is what makes my clients strive to achieve goals and succeed.

The Big Three Powerlifting Movements

Any bodybuilder will tell you that powerlifting is highly focused on the “big three” foundational movements. By teaching you how to master the “big three”, I can help you achieve big gains in muscle mass and strength while also gaining other positive benefits. By perfecting these essential movements, you will be set up for better posture, fewer back problems, and better overall functional movement.

The Big Three Powerlifting Movements are:

Back Squats

For the back squat, though there are many consistencies in how each person will perform the lift, there is not a one-size-fits-all approach. I will teach you the proper way to address the bar. This includes where you will be carrying the bar on your upper back as well as the correct width grip to take and how to position your body to take it out of the rack. We will go over the procedure for a proper “walk-out” and determine the correct stance for your body as well as the proper head and neck position, which depends on several factors. We will go over what constitutes a full-depth squat to achieve optimum results and/or competition standards. At this time, we will address any issues standing in the way of you achieving proper depth, which may or may not be related to flexibility. In the process of teaching you the squat and assessing your mobility, we will determine what type of shoe will be best for you to train in. We’ll even go over the type of shirt you should wear. Last but not least, we will go over the vitally important breathing and bracing strategy, which coincides with understanding the proper use of a weightlifting belt.

Bench Presses

The bench press is very likely the most popular barbell exercise in the world. It’s a tremendous lift to develop upper body strength. In teaching the bench press, we will go over where to place your feet and how to correctly position your body on the bench with the right posture to optimize chest recruitment during the lift. We will get granular about how to position your grip on the bar. That will include finding the right width for you and how to apply torque and maintain the correct arm position while moving the bar. We will also go over why the bench press gets a bad reputation for shoulder injuries and how arm position affects shoulder health. We will also go over where to look, when to breathe, bar path, leg drive, arching, scapular retraction, developing and maintaining tension and head position.


The deadlift is a pulling movement. It is performed when a lifter bends over and takes a grip on the barbell which is resting on the floor and then pulls the bar up the front of their legs as they come to a standing position while holding on to it. The lift gets its name because of the way the bar is pulled from a “dead” resting position on the floor with each repetition. We will go over the careful process of how to address the bar to ensure you are in the correct position to most efficiently perform the lift. This includes how close to stand near the bar, how wide or narrow the foot placement should be, grip width, arm angle, back angle, head position, eye gaze, breath-holding, leg drive at the start, and hip hinging versus knee-bending on the descent. This is a simple lift with many nuances you will need to master in order to optimize your progress. Becoming stronger in the deadlift is foundational to developing full-body strength. It has many benefits not the least of which is developing a strong and functional back free of pain and resilient against injuries.

How Powerlifting Helps You Get Healthy and Strong

Powerlifting does not have to be about becoming the next Olympian, strongman competitor or bragging about how you are, deadlifting, bench pressing, or squatting three times your bodyweight. Starting strength and conditioning training can be a difficult adjustment for new powerlifters, Olympic weightlifters, and aspiring strongmen, but help is available.  Besides the power lifts- being the back squat, bench press, and deadlift, my experience can help you learn to perform any heavy weightlifting exercise safely. This includes the snatch, clean, and jerk,  overhead presses, power cleans, pulls, power snatches, and push presses to name a few. Whatever your interest may be regarding getting stronger, a proper foundation in powerlifting is integral to your safety and success.

I have coached clients to become the strongest and fittest they can be since 2002 in Greensboro, North Carolina, and the surrounding area. I would be thrilled to help you access your inner strength to achieve your physical goals. I have worked with a wide variety of athletes, from beginners all the way to Olympic weightlifters and powerlifters. My coaching is customized to each individual and designed to be incorporated into your lifestyle. To learn more about my powerlifting training program, please give me a call or contact me today to get started.