Private Personal Training

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Once you have decided to start training, you may realize you need to procure a few things. You’ll need a place to work out, of course, and some basic personal equipment. You may also decide you need the assistance of a coach or personal trainer. Once you’ve decided that these are the things you need, the next big question at hand is where to find them. This question is harder to answer than it used to be since we have entered into the era of COVID-19 and the ensuing shut-downs that have radically altered our world. Typically, personal trainers are found primarily in large commercial gyms and also smaller studio gyms. Since the shut-downs have put many gyms and trainers out of business, it has made the search somewhat more complicated. Even though some gyms have re-opened, it has some people feeling uneasy about wanting to work out in a public space where the risk of infection may be higher than they are comfortable with. There is another option, though, which you may not be aware of. That option is private personal training.

Private Personal Training

Benefits of Private Personal Training

Private personal training is my preferred method to deliver my services to clients. In light of the current changes taking place in our midst, more and more people are realizing the benefits of working out with a personal trainer in an exclusively private, one-on-one setting. I train my clients one person at a time in the privacy of my personal gym, which is set up in my own home. In fact, I purchased this house on account of its layout because I knew I would be using it to operate my personal training business. I chose a location centrally located in the city of Greensboro, North Carolina to make it convenient to as many people as possible. The gym is set up in the attached and completely finished two-car garage, which is completely dedicated as a training space. The room is an extension of the house, with easy access to a bathroom/changing area.

That option is private personal training

Best Personal Trainer in Greensboro, NC

When people come over to train, they feel more comfortable here due to the private setting. There are no other people around to make them feel self-conscious or distracted. We don’t have to compete with the music to hear ourselves talk, nor do we have to put up with the absurdities that often take place at a commercial gym from other members with unusual, inane and sometimes risky behaviors. The client has my undivided attention and complete priority and use of the space and training equipment when they are here. We can play whatever music we want and at whatever volume suits us. Perhaps most importantly, though, at this time, I can easily limit exposure to lots of other people. I train one person at a time and allow 30 minutes between clients. This gives me plenty of time to disinfect the equipment, open the overhead door and air out the room if it has been closed up, and prepare for the next appointment. Due to the fact that I deal with such a small volume of patrons relative to the average gym and have a fraction of the equipment, it is much easier to maintain a clean and safe environment.

If you are in the market for a personal trainer and are still reticent about going back to a crowded commercial gym, give a private personal training gym like Revolution Strength & Conditioning a try. You may find it has everything you need without the things you don’t want. It may be the new normal.